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ConfigMaker tool for multiple configurations

Like many others I want to have EPG on my satellite receiver and WebGrab++ seemed like great tool.
Since I'm also lazy I don't want to do all the hard work of channel mapping, editing configurations, etc.. over and over again.
Modifying/maintaining one "grab" configuration is not that much of a deal, but problems rise when you have multiple configurations to run. Constantly copy/pasting site keys, updating inis & xmls, checking paths. Unacceptable.
What I also learned was that many others have same problems.


WebGrab+Plus is a multi-site incremental xmltv epg grabber. It collects tv-program guide data from selected tvguide sites for your favourite channels.

Program Release

Notice : No longer available due to security issues

-- Fix of a securityprocol error that blocked access to some sites
-- MDB postprocess 2.10 with a few small changes that allow to use new mdb ini's soon to be published

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Build 3 ..
Unfortunately some stupid programmer left a piece of code in REX that , obviously, crashes under most conditions! Apparently it was only tested under the rare condition it doesn't crash .. blame on him!
... Oh , gosh, that programmer was me, Jan !! Again sorry ..

If you need REX, be sure you run this build of V3, if it shows "WebGrab+Plus/w MDB & REX Postprocess -- version V3.0.0.0 -- build 3" at the start you're OK.

Build 2 ..
Despite all the testing a last minute code change caused that the version update V3 published 21/03/2020 doesn't accept decryption keys.
It shows .. we are just human ... sorry for the inconvenience !!
Users who have already installed that faulty version must uninstall it and replace by the V3.0 build 2

Be sure you run this build of V3, if it shows "WebGrab+Plus/w MDB & REX Postprocess -- version V3.0.0.0 -- build 2" at the start you're OK.

A note about the new license option: License update and check is currently disabled for most users. That will set the program to the '...

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Dear users of Webgrab+Plus,

Despite the difficult times we all have to deal with ..

.. a new release, Version 3.0.0 is ready for you all. Apart from the regular fixes and improvements, the main change is how it interacts with the individual user. The purpose of this interaction is to give donating users privilege over regular/unregistred users, which we feel is fair. You might consider it the introduction of a 'license'.

Don’t get me wrong, this release will run as before and is compatible with all existing siteini’s, encrypted or not. WG++ and this 'license' is still free to use, but better performance and more options will be available for donating users. Moreover, newly developed siteini’s that we decide to encrypt, will not run anymore with older versions of the program and will only be available for donating users.

How does this work?
A ‘license’ update runs automatically at the start of the program and checks the user status from time to time. It provides settings of the program that correspond with the user status. If a user wants to benefit from his user status, he needs to enter his user_id (registered username plus registered email...

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Program Release

Notice : No longer available due to security issues

V3.0 Build 3 : Read V3_fix on the home page and
Read the Intro_V3 on the home page and
changelog.txt for technical details

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We have been informed that a user, named 'trist' (formerly known as 'goran' or whatever name he will use 'next'), owner of an IPTV website, is luring users to buy SiteIni's from his website. Most of the SiteIni's he offers are copies that are also available for free or for a small donation on our website. And, as far as we know , there is no or very limited support in case of problems or necessary revisions. We kindly ask you to keep reporting abusers like him.

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Program Release

This beta is no longer available

added : check and log of subpage headerlist values errors (only integers, no 0, not > number of headers sets)
added : default subpage headerlist {list|} which ignores all header sets except the first one
fixed : bug in url file mode , must start with // or file:// (was \\)
added : option to use a global element in a subpage.format {list|'global_element'}
new : grabengine overhaul, completely rewritten.
It solves the problem of save and reload of cookies, e.g. in method POST-BACK
new : temporary re-introduction of grabengine as sitedependant element
added : new grabengine supports 'Brotli' compressed stream decompression
fixed : method=POST was not overwritten with later methods with other value
fixed : if no headers specified , always take the defaults

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Brought to you by Jan van Straaten

Program Development - Jan van Straaten ------- Web design - Francis De Paemeleere
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