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Introducing Release V3.0

Dear users of Webgrab+Plus,

Despite the difficult times we all have to deal with ..

.. a new release, Version 3.0.0 is ready for you all. Apart from the regular fixes and improvements, the main change is how it interacts with the individual user. The purpose of this interaction is to give donating users privilege over regular/unregistred users, which we feel is fair. You might consider it the introduction of a 'license'.

Don’t get me wrong, this release will run as before and is compatible with all existing siteini’s, encrypted or not. WG++ and this 'license' is still free to use, but better performance and more options will be available for donating users. Moreover, newly developed siteini’s that we decide to encrypt, will not run anymore with older versions of the program and will only be available for donating users.

How does this work?
A ‘license’ update runs automatically at the start of the program and checks the user status from time to time. It provides settings of the program that correspond with the user status. If a user wants to benefit from his user status, he needs to enter his user_id (registered username plus registered email plus a license password) in the config file. Without this user_id, the program will run with the default settings, which, obviously, are less favourably.

The mentioned license password is available for free on request. Such a request must be done by email using the same email address as was used to register on our website. More detailed instructions about this can be found in the license.log.txt file in case no license password is provided by the user. If needed, the steps to follow can be requested on the forum.

I don’t want to go into too much detail, but in general, the program will run better and with more options for registered users than for unregistered users and better and with more options for donators and even better for users with donator status.

Besides this license option, this new release also enables, changes and improves the grabbing of certain types of guide websites. More and more sites are using a wide variety of http requests, this version will increase the possibility of grabbing. The REX postprocessor is also improved. A full list of all changes and fixes is included in the file changelog.txt

We hope all our users will stay healthy and we wish them strength ..

'still alife and kicking' the WG team

Brought to you by Jan van Straaten

Program Development - Jan van Straaten ------- Web design - Francis De Paemeleere
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