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ConfigMaker tool for multiple configurations

Like many others I want to have EPG on my satellite receiver and WebGrab++ seemed like great tool.
Since I'm also lazy I don't want to do all the hard work of channel mapping, editing configurations, etc.. over and over again.
Modifying/maintaining one "grab" configuration is not that much of a deal, but problems rise when you have multiple configurations to run. Constantly copy/pasting site keys, updating inis & xmls, checking paths. Unacceptable.
What I also learned was that many others have same problems.


WebGrab+Plus is a multi-site incremental xmltv epg grabber. It collects tv-program guide data from selected tvguide sites for your favourite channels.

Docs release

Describes the new features and changes of WG++ V2.1.10

New in this issue:

• Chapter 4.6.2 is completely rewritten and is now called 'Conditional operations and arguments' It explains:
- the newly introduced ‘boolean operators’ & (and) | (or) ^ (xor) and ! (not)
- the RPN style ‘boolean expressions’ in chapter
- and the new statements ‘if’ and ‘else’ in chapter
• New chapter 'Headersets' and 'Subpage header list' explaining headersets and their use in subpages
• Revised chapter 'Date and time calculations' to reflect the changed definition of numeric timespan input values and the format argument
• Revised chapter 4.6 'Operations', details of arguments used in operations moved to the chapters where the operations are explained for which they are relevant.
• New chapter 4.1.1 'SiteIni header'
• 3 new readonly elements added in chapter 4.5.4 'Read_only elements' and APPENDIX C

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Program Release

This beta is not longer available

fixed : crash when no headers are specified
fixed : logging of exceptions shows meaningful stacktrace
added : different headers sets for subpages, (-needs more testing!)
fixed : crash when no subpage header list is specified
added : header-set log
fixed : converting to other timezone inverted the timespan used to correct the time

added : Boolean operators & (and) | (or) ^ (xor) and ! (not) to be used in RPN style boolean preconditional expressions
added : 'if' operation to enable multiple scrubstrings under the same condition
added : 'else' operation als part of 'if'
added : nesting of 'loop' operation(s) as part of an 'if' operation
added : nesting of 'if' operation(s) within a 'loop' operation

fixed : operation calculate, added inputvalue>> to start of operation string if not there
fixed : removed logging of special operation of config_timespan_days
changed : all (5) projects of WG++ are targeted to .net 4.7.2

- Postprocess 2.08 REX
fixed : operations max_char, max_words not properly implemented

Enjoy Jan van Straaten

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SiteIni Encryption, SiteIni types :

Since the introduction of SiteIni encryption with version 2.1.7 , now 2.1.9 , new settings and enhancement have been introduced in WebGrab++. As mentioned in, the types of SiteIni can be grouped as follow:

  • Type 1 : 'Legacy' un-encrypted in clear text. Basically no change, SiteIni can be created and updated by any user, is public and does not require any change in SiteIni or WebGrab++.config.xml. The “site” line works with all the commands that can be included (timezone, language, episode-system, firstshow, etc. etc.)
  • Type 2 : Encrypted without user-key. This type of SiteIni is public. Usually prepared by WGTeam members only, content and methods are hidden. No decrypt userkey and no expiration date will be set. A line to SiteIni header is added indicating the encryption date: * $$encrypted [17/03/2019]
  • Type 3 : Encrypted with user-key. This type of SiteIni is usually prepared by WGTeam members only, SiteIni content and methods are...
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Program Release

This beta is no longer available

This beta solves a problem in the Linux distro with beta 2.1.8

!! Beta 2.1.8 is no longer recommended and not available anymore !!

All other changes and additions are the same as they were in beta 2.1.8 :

changed : timespan definitions and implementation --integers are minutes, decimals are hours

added : 'legacy' mode for timespan, if MinSWversion < legacy mode as in V2.1.5

added : special timespan handling of 'config_timespan_days' , converts to days as default

fixed : regex pattern for encrypt message , handles the normal date variants

changed : decryption is based on new init vector, requires re_encryption for encrypted siteini's that run in beta 2.1.7 !!

- Postprocess 2.07 REX :

fixed : elements containing certain string values (used as placeholder for control chars) were 'pruned'

added : <file-name> in rex.config can contain a variable 'source_file' that will take the
value of the xmltv source file name (without .xml) plus text elements e.g. :

added :...

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Dear users of Webgrab+Plus

2019 will be a year of changes !!
First thanks for the countless hours that our support group dedicated to updating and developing SiteIni's and responding to WG++ users questions and requests. Chapeau!! Especially I want to thank Blackbear199 (who is currently only active in the background) , Matt8861 and our new star KVanc. And not to forget all the contributing users! Feel free to join our support team!

The latest Beta, V2.1.7. It includes updates and bug fixes. And .. starting with this beta and all future releases, the way SiteIni files are handled will change...

The main change is SiteIni encryption !

Last year we had to move away from -everything fully free of charge- to demanding a small donation for certain SiteIni's in a donators 'badge' section of the forum. But even that gave rise to unfair situations. Examples of users contributing just a few €'s for a donators badge and making a business with the our program and the siteini's they could access with it. Again, as before, undesired reactions in the forum. Our support group was therefore forced to use an unwanted deviation of our SiteIni database...

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Program Release

This beta is no longer available

- added : handles SiteIni encryption with expiry date set
- improved: title match procedure removes any attributes added to the title value
- fixed : method SOAP
- fixed : method POST_BACK
- added : control elements from site{} line episodesystem, subtitlestype and ratingsystem,
can be expanded to their value by 'site_episodesystem' , 'site_subtitlestype' and 'site:ratingsystem'
- added : SiteIni scrubstrings before site {} are blocked
- added : channellist creation through channel attribute update="c" in config
- added : decryption of encrypted SiteIni's
- added : config element 'decryptkey' to enter userkey for decryption
- fixed : timespan h:m was treated as d:h in some cases
- improved: timespan input value decimal hours will convert to h:m or d:h:m
- fixed : strange timezone parsing issue
- update : new tzdatabase based on tzdata2018i

!! There will be no Beta V2.1.6 in case you wonder ..

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Brought to you by Jan van Straaten

Program Development - Jan van Straaten ------- Web design - Francis De Paemeleere
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