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ConfigMaker tool for multiple configurations

Like many others I want to have EPG on my satellite receiver and WebGrab++ seemed like great tool.
Since I'm also lazy I don't want to do all the hard work of channel mapping, editing configurations, etc.. over and over again.
Modifying/maintaining one "grab" configuration is not that much of a deal, but problems rise when you have multiple configurations to run. Constantly copy/pasting site keys, updating inis & xmls, checking paths. Unacceptable.
What I also learned was that many others have same problems.


WebGrab+Plus is a multi-site incremental xmltv epg grabber. It collects tv-program guide data from selected tvguide sites for your favourite channels.


This postprocess option introduced in V3.1.4 beta, allows to run an external executable after the frontend grabbing.
In theorie such an executable will simply do what it is designed for , even if it is not related to webgrabplus or xmltv files. But it makes sense to use this to modify or correct the xmltv file created by the frontend grabbing.

It is easy to configure, in the webgrab++.config :
<postprocess run="y" grab="y or no">name_of_plugin_executable any_number_of_commandline_arguments</postprocess>

It is allowed to add more than one postprocess plugin or in combination with the standard MDB or REX
Like :
<postprocess run="y" grab="y">MDB</postprocess>
<postprocess run="y" grab="n">add_logo.exe in:mdb_guide.xml out:mdb_guide_logos.xml logos:my_logos.txt</postprocess>
<postprocess ... />
It will run all of them , one after the other. (But .. It will always run MDB or REX first!)

For available plugins , see

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Program Release

No longer available ..

This beta introduce a new postprocess feature ... plugin

It allows to run an external executable after the frontend grabbing
This can be used to change or add certain parts of the xmltv file depending on the nature of the external executable.

At the moment of this 'plugin' introduction, there are two plugin executables available :
- add_logo .. which can change or add channel logo's to the xmltv file
- xmltv_time_modify .. which can change /correct the start and stop time if the shows in the xmltv file

For other changes and improvements, see changelog.txt

It is advised to download the latest siteini.pack together with this beta!

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Program Release

No longer available ..

This beta contains two major improvements :

1. the way it stores response and external cookies and issues request cookies during the process of all http requests for a certain channel.
2. license user data stored online will be scrambled for extra security for every user that runs this beta.

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Program Release

No longer available ..

This beta fixes a few bugs in PostProcess 3.0.1 that caused the program to crash when series have no complete episode data.

It also fixes a few small shortcomings in the license handling and reporting and a bug in expanding of postdata headers.

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Program Release

No longer available..

This beta's contains postprocess V3.0 which main feature is the restoring the ability to match tv-series data in your xmltv with IMDb series data. That ability was lost quite some time ago when IMDb changed how its series episode data was organised. For it to function the latest revision 8 of MDBini is needed!

A few other additions/fixes of Postprocessor 3.0 :

fixed : a crash when a multi value element has no attribute in the last of the elements (REX & MDB)
added : subpage list for all mdb_url's (needed to get a complete list of all series episodes)
fixed : incorrect folder name for MDB and REX and for mdb.config.xml (linux trouble)
added : mdb_episode will be automatically converted to the site episodesystem value
fixed : match episodenum in ldb if ldb and xmltv episodenum have different episodesystem
added : operation max_elements in 'allocation and presentation' section of REX and MDB config

This beta also automatically removes the license force mode after it ran.

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Dear users,


We are forced to release a new version to solve a security issue! The consequence of it is that the older versions, V3.0, V3.01 beta , V3.0.2 beta and V3.0.3 beta, will stop checking and updating your license at the first occasion that such an update is scheduled. But within a week as a maximum.
If you experience this, the solution is simple, upgrade to this new one V3.1. All the rest stays the same, your license values are restored.
We are sorry for this inconvenience ..

But besides that security issue, this new version solves a few problems and adds a some features. Among them is an improved SSL handling and a more universal option to run an external grabengine (runexe)

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Brought to you by Jan van Straaten

Program Development - Jan van Straaten ------- Web design - Francis De Paemeleere
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