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ConfigMaker tool for multiple configurations

Like many others I want to have EPG on my satellite receiver and WebGrab++ seemed like great tool.
Since I'm also lazy I don't want to do all the hard work of channel mapping, editing configurations, etc.. over and over again.
Modifying/maintaining one "grab" configuration is not that much of a deal, but problems rise when you have multiple configurations to run. Constantly copy/pasting site keys, updating inis & xmls, checking paths. Unacceptable.
What I also learned was that many others have same problems.


WebGrab+Plus is a multi-site incremental xmltv epg grabber. It collects tv-program guide data from selected tvguide sites for your favourite channels.

Program Release

This beta is built in DotNet 6. It has the same functionality (+ some) as beta 4.2.4

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Program Release

Final stable version build in .NET Framework 4.8 .. Will not be upgraded anymore
For upgrades use version 4.2 or higher

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Program Release

Last .NET5 based version. See changelog.txt

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Program Release

Fix of Brotli encoded WebResponse and a start-time from detail page error

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Program Release

A more mature version of the DotNet variant .. among the many fixes , the introduction of a new grabengine based on the Httpclient class . This fixes the slower speed of this distro wrt the V3 version .
See changelog.txt for the full list of fixes and additions.

For more info about this variant see the detail added to the 4.2.2 release ..

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Program Release

See changelog.txt for all the additions, bugfixes and updates

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Brought to you by Jan van Straaten

Program Development - Jan van Straaten ------- Web design - Francis De Paemeleere
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