Like many others I want to have EPG on my satellite receiver and WebGrab++ seemed like great tool.
Since I'm also lazy I don't want to do all the hard work of channel mapping, editing configurations, etc.. over and over again.
Modifying/maintaining one "grab" configuration is not that much of a deal, but problems rise when you have multiple configurations to run. Constantly copy/pasting site keys, updating inis & xmls, checking paths. Unacceptable.
What I also learned was that many others have same problems.
So I decided to create (hopefully) simple tool to do all the heavy lifting for me and other people with same problems.
Minimum requirements are Windows with .NET 4.6.2 or greater installed. Other OS not supported.
Application is open sourced and available at
While app is simple to use you'll probably have hard time figuring out how to use the app, and what it does without some kind of tutorial, manual. I'll try to create something when times allows me.
Thanks, great tool !!
This is a pretty damn good tool. Sometimes I feel the documentation section of this site is like reading Chinese but this makes grabbing Webgrabplus easier...
I guess it takes some time to guess how app works and what it does.
I was able to find some time to create some kind of tutorial/overview to get you started.
I wasn't talking about your tool but the site doc for webgrabplus
I know, first sentence is referring to my app :)
Video tutorial
Very nice app can praise you for the work
This is a really great help for putting together channels lists from different ini files...thanks.
I can not get the Config Maker to work. latest windows 11 , latest , several PCs tested, always the same
Failed to create user configuration.There is an error in XML document
Can you provide the screenshot of the error and the configuration files (remove license info)?
Can you provide the screenshot of the error and the configuration files (remove license info)?
Can you provide the screenshot of the error and the configuration files (remove license info)?
Can you provide the screenshot of the error and the configuration files (remove license info)?
I created a test xml and put it in the config folder, it reads it but it doesn't seem to use it, I understood that you can create a new config file with the tool, but that doesn't work either.
The problem is two empty files in siteini.pack/Canada/
After this procedure, EPG_ConfigMaker will run and create new configurations.
@mat8861 please remove these files from the directory or post the correct versions.
Currently these files have no entries they are empty inside zero lines of code.
OMG , now it works!
Removed also because are available in other siteinis
Hello. I did everything as in the video, but when I try to execute the configuration, an error appears. Help decide.
i have this message:
failed to create user configuration, there is an error in xml document (0, 0)
I am not able to add or create or edit the current configurations.
I have reinstalled all versions and different computers and the same error is displayed.
Hi everyone.
I have used ConfigMaker before without any issues, but installed it now on windows 11 and for some reason the "Run Configuration" button is missing! any idea how to fix this?
are you using latest 2.2.0?
i dont use it but just downloaded it and its fine on win 11 for me(run Configuration button is there)
No i am using, I also downloaded the latest version 2.2.0 but for some reason it does not download the siteini files or starts!
for me on the first run there was a popup asking this,i clicked no as i didnt want to download them but there is also a button for this after it opens.
Thank you for the suggestion I just tried that and i got an error "Can't continue without sitein.pack. Application will exit."
copy the siteini.pack folder from 2.1.0 directory to your 2.2.0 directory then start it.
btw i dont see a need for this.
someone should make a request on git for it to check users AppData/Local/WebGrab+Plus directory for the siteini.pack or have a option to select its location.
i dont see why it should have to be downloaded again if it already exists.
So for some reason now on the latest version it does download siteini.pack! but the "Run Configuration" button is still now there!
There is the other "run" button, "Run All Configurations" when i run that one i get an error saying "failed to run configuration. The system cannot find the file specified"
You are right we should not need to download siteini.pack if it's are already there, although this is a free software i wish it would be made more user-friendly :)
just wondering does the ConfigMaker need to be in the same directory as webgrab++
Thank you for your help
no idea what to suggest.
there is another option provided by another user awhile ago..
Thank you for your help and suggestions I will go through the link you provided hopefully will get it working again!
May I ask you one more question; I have donated yesterday to Webgrab++ for a Donator licence it still has not been updated under my account any idea how long it i will take for it to be activated, I have also emailed WebGrab++ and also Included my Username on the payment
i just checked and your good,you have your badge.
Donator status is VALID until 20/04/2024
Last access 21/04/2023 07:52
Thank you for checking :)
In the downloaded SiteIniPack you have to delete the following files:
In Australia folder:
In UK folder:
I have figured out why i was having issues with the “Run Configuration” button missing!
When i installed WebGrab++ i changed the default folder where it gets installed, I am guessing ConfigMaker only looks for the files on the Default Installation Folder.
Many thans, solved
Good job
I had some time today and published new version.
Too many people is bugging me on multiple platforms because invalid xml files in siteini.pack
New version simply ignores invalid sites.
Download from
To reflect on some questions: no app will not ask you to re-download siteini.pack if it exists in the working folder.
There is no installation. Where's the working folder you may ask?
By default it's where ConfigMaker.exe is, you can change it and other settings in ConfigMaker.exe.config.
Default values are pretty reasonable for vast majority, if you're advanced then go ahead and play with settings.
And if you want the app to be more user friendlier, go ahead and do something about it.
Great !
Hello Shax,
the configurator is great.
It harmonizes very well with WebGeab V3.3. For your information, with the new version WebGrab5... it doesn't work under Windows 11. It's not a problem because it works very well with V3.3.
Greetings highlander
Configurator works OK under Windows 11, which version are You using? ignore the errors in SiteIniPack files.
Version needs to replace some files with the attached ones after updating SiteIniPack or will get error if you try to create a new configuration
Hi guys, I'm having trouble to get in Configmaker. When I select Belgium in Configmaker and look for, there is no entry. In the configurations\siteini.pack\Belgium directory there are three files with in the name present., and
Still in Configmaker not visible. Not even when I change the file name from in
How do I make this site visible in Configmaker?
Found it!
I've changed the file name in the configurations\siteini.pack\Belgium directory.
I should have changed it in the siteini.pack directory of the working directory cause Configmaker reads it from there. Now is visible and I can select channels.
Configmaker doesn't support multiple channels listing. In SiteIniPack there are 2: Antwerpen and Brussels, so Configmaker ignores the site ini.
To solve this you need to copy any one of them (or any other you generate) to "" this file is the one that Configmaker will use
If You want to generare 2 configs for 2 different regions, generate the first one as above and then copy de second channels listing to the file "" and generate your second config. Once created, individual files will be copied to SiteIniUser folder in each config.