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tvguide setup

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tvguide setup

thanks for the work you have done.
i am trying to set up;
using the files posted in the forum, i am able to get provider and channel list.
when i run a test on a few channels, taken from my channel list previously generated, i get 'no indexpage for this channel on everyone; an excertp from log:
"Channel Hallmark Channel HDTV (West) site -- TVGUIDE.COM -- update mode full


     no indexpage for this channel!

Cannot find any shows on the Index Page !


   Summary for update of Hallmark Channel HDTV (West)"


channel line is:

<channel update="i" site="" site_id="(srvID60980.16777216)Number:477,SourceId:24387" xmltv_id="Hallmark Channel HDTV (West)">Hallmark Channel HDTV (West)</channel>

same result for all 10 channels in the config file..
thanx for any help

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Are you sure you have commented the lines again? (provider and channels generation)
This line is working perfect here. Else, upload your config file.

Joined: 10 years
Last seen: 3 years

i replaced the ini file with a clean downloaded one. here is the ini and my config. thanks

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