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TV GIUDE Limiting Grab to 2 days WG Ver. 1.1.1/56

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TV GIUDE Limiting Grab to 2 days WG Ver. 1.1.1/56

Where before I was using schedules direct my grab was taking close to 34 hours to complete so I have switched to  I have my webgrab config set to grab 7 days but while the grab was running I noticed I was only getting 2 days of EPG data.  Anyone know a fix?

Joined: 8 years
Last seen: 8 years

Thank you for your suggestion. I did as you suggested (*index_stop.scrub    {regex||"EndTime"\s*:\s*((?:[^\s,])*)\s*,||}) but this did not correct the problem.  The incremental grab is not seeing anything new.  Still only grabbing two days.

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