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SchedulesDirect Extremely Slow V1.1.1/56 Beta

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SchedulesDirect Extremely Slow V1.1.1/56 Beta

I am experiencing extreme slow grabs from SD.  The log file I have attached started at a 9:24AM.  As of 7:05PM I was only on channel 22/128. The average grab time is about 21 to 26 hours.  Is there any way to speed this up at all.  I do grab for 7 days at a time and I know this is large but with tvguide it took only about one and a half hours.  Thank you for your assistance.

Joined: 8 years
Last seen: 8 years

Thank you!  I will try that.

I have found another problem.  Yesterday and day before I ran a scan which is the output of the guide.xml above.  I had not watched any television until tonight and I noticed another problem.  Every channel in the guide is behind by 24 hours.  So Mondays shows are appearing in the Tuesday listing.

So as my listings were all incorrect in my guide I decided to pull from so as to get a clean EPG.  It appears the problem you referrenced above

is also happening with

skipped : show starting before the actual show at20/07/2016 00:00


Joined: 8 years
Last seen: 8 years

Once again thank you!  All seems well since corrections.

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