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Remove illegal character

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Remove illegal character


I'm trying to remove certain characters from title ( the ones that are illegal in file/folder names in Windows , such as " : " " ' " etc ...)

I've copied to my siteini.user folder and added a line:

index_title.modify {remove|(":"}

Unfortunately it doesnt work. Resulting guide.xml still has the character I tried to remove. I've tried any combination of simple quotes, double quotes, I've also tried titleoriginal.modify {remove|":"} without any effect.


 <programme start="20171116101500 +0100" stop="20171116121500 +0100" channel="Prima">
    <title lang="cs">Rosamunde Pilcher: Padající hvězda</title>
    <title lang="">Sternschnuppen im August</title>
    <sub-title lang="cs">Padající hvězda</sub-title>

Any idea what am i doing wrong or have suggestion how to add all Windows file/folder illegal characters [\\/:*?\"<>|] into a single line ? 

Joined: 7 years
Last seen: 3 weeks
Blackbear199 wrote:

index_title.modify {remove(type=regex)|[\\/:\*\?\"<>']}

i wouldnt include the vertical pipe |.

webgrab uses this internally as a separator for multi value elements like actor,director,ect.

so u have to be carefull where you use it.u can include it for something like the "title" as there should never be more than one of those.

if you do include it escape it   \| like this.



Thanks a lot for the regex. It works as expected.

Any idea why 

index_title.modify {remove|":"}

did not work ? 

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