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no shows inindex page error

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Last seen: 8 years
no shows inindex page error

new to all this, trying to add an epg for starhub, keep getting this error

[  Debug ] WebGrab+Plus/w MDB & REX Postprocess -- version 1.1.1/55.27 -- Jan van Straaten
[  Debug ] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[  Debug ] job started at 09/05/2016 22:11:43
[  Debug ]
[  Debug ] reading config file: C:\ProgramData\ServerCare\WebGrab\WebGrab++.config.xml
[  Debug ] loading timezone data
[  Debug ] embedded timezones source: WGconsole.WG.Common.timezonesdata.txt
[  Debug ] found: C:\ProgramData\ServerCare\WebGrab\ -- Revision 3
[  Debug ] timezone=UTC+08:00 mapped with timezone_id "Asia/Shanghai"
[  Debug ]
[  Debug ] running  on: Microsoft Windows NT 6.2.9200.0
[  Debug ] environment: 4.0.30319.42000
[  Debug ] xmltv input file - C:\ProgramData\ServerCare\WebGrab\guide.xml - found
[  Debug ] 0 superfluous shows removed
[  Info  ]
[  Info  ] update requested for - 8 - out of - 8 - channels for 2 day(s)
[  Info  ] update mode - full - for all channels
[  Info  ]
[  Info  ]
[  Info  ]       i=index  .=same  c=change  g=gab  r=replace  n=new
[  Info  ]
[  Debug ]
[  Info  ] channel (xmltv_id=mio Stadium Multiview) site -- STARHUBTVANYWHERE.COM.EN -- mode full
[  Error ] no shows in indexpage!
[  Info  ]
[  Debug ]
[  Info  ] channel (xmltv_id=mio Stadium 102 (HD)) site -- STARHUBTVANYWHERE.COM.EN -- mode full
[  Error ] no shows in indexpage!
[  Info  ]
[  Debug ]
[  Info  ] channel (xmltv_id=mio Stadium 103 (HD)) site -- STARHUBTVANYWHERE.COM.EN -- mode full
[  Error ] no shows in indexpage!
[  Info  ]
[  Debug ]
[  Info  ] channel (xmltv_id=mio Stadium 104 (HD)) site -- STARHUBTVANYWHERE.COM.EN -- mode full
[  Error ] no shows in indexpage!
[  Info  ]
[  Debug ]
[  Info  ] channel (xmltv_id=mio Stadium 105 (HD)) site -- STARHUBTVANYWHERE.COM.EN -- mode full
[  Error ] no shows in indexpage!
[  Info  ]
[  Debug ]
[  Info  ] channel (xmltv_id=mio Stadium 106 (HD)) site -- STARHUBTVANYWHERE.COM.EN -- mode full
[  Error ] no shows in indexpage!
[  Info  ]
[  Debug ]
[  Info  ] channel (xmltv_id=mio Stadium 107 (HD)) site -- STARHUBTVANYWHERE.COM.EN -- mode full
[  Error ] no shows in indexpage!
[  Info  ]
[  Debug ]
[  Info  ] channel (xmltv_id=mio Stadium 108 (HD)) site -- STARHUBTVANYWHERE.COM.EN -- mode full
[  Error ] no shows in indexpage!
[  Info  ]
[  Debug ]
[  Debug ] 0 shows in 8 channels
[  Debug ] 0 updated shows
[  Debug ] 0 new shows added
[  Info  ]
[  Info  ]
[  Info  ] job finished at 09/05/2016 22:11:58 done in 14 seconds
[  Debug ] statistics upload error: The remote server returned an error: (500) Internal Server Error.

Joined: 8 years
Last seen: 8 years
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Brought to you by Jan van Straaten

Program Development - Jan van Straaten ------- Web design - Francis De Paemeleere
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