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Grab just text in background?

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Grab just text in background?


First of all thank you for the wonderful application! I only have 2 quick questions:

1. I haven't been using Webgrab for a time so I don't really remember everything about the usage of the application. Im using webgrab to grab EPG from a couple of sites in order to use it in KODI. I'm grabbing EPG for about 400 Channels so speed is an important factor for me and therefore I would only like to download the EPG (Text) and no pictures or other postprocess stuff. I think that I have set up my XML file correctly:

<postprocess grab="y" run="n">mdb</postprocess> 

but I see that in KODI I still have "pictures and thumbnails" to shows and movies. Have I got it setup correct in order to only grab the text?

2. I have setup Webgrab to start downloading at a specific time during the day via Task Scheduler in Windows 8.1. The problem is that if I'm watching TV and Webgrab starts at that specific time, it will minimize my KODI window and focus on the command window while grabbing. Is there something I can do to have it do the grabbing quietly in the background and not interfere with Kodi?


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Joined: 9 years
Last seen: 11 months

Not sure if this is possible in windows 8.1 but have tried it with 10 and it works.

click on your task properties, click change user or group next type SYSTEM in the place where it says enter the object name to select.

Click ok and ok again, the task will not open in a  window you won't see it at all, so you will not know when it starts or finished,

If thats what you are looking to do .

Also as blackbear said it wont make any difference if you dont grab icons or images , i run 485 channels 2 days grab it takes about 2 hours. 395 channels 3 days about 2 and a half hours. 195 channels from zap2it for 3 days some days over 3 hours but around 3 hours normally.

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