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Conditional Access / Support Us button

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Conditional Access / Support Us button

Hi to everyone.
​we would like to see reactions and ideas about our intention to introduce conditional access as announced on the 'happy newyear message' on the home page.

Please understand that we don't want to limit our regular good minded users, the program was started as freeware with a volontary option to donate to cover our costs and to keep us motivated to further develop and support it. And , if possible we want to keep it like that as much as we can.

But alas, some are using it for their own commercial gain, which is OK as long as this profit is shared with us to a fair extend.  It is our first priority to get that fixed. To all fairness!
​Also , we consider to aks a minimum donation for any user who wants personal support via forum, pm or else. And we might be forced to limit access to our resources (program and/or SiteIni's) for some categories of users.

​We hope for some positive feedback ... thanks WG++ team

WGMaker's picture
WG++ Team memberDonator
Joined: 11 years
Last seen: 49 min
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Some users are just too good for this world! Like this one:
Message from Gzolee: I have created as a free epg source to the public,I got 30 euro donation but I think u and the team who deserves it not me! So from now on i will send all the donation I getting! Gzolee

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