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Webgraber on server

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Webgraber on server

Hello,i am using webgraberplus for some time,and I am very happy with its possibilities etc. But I can not start it on cpanel Linux based server,Centos. Is there any way, I tried using .bat,.sh but it doesn't work ,because it is windows based .exe file. Is there any help it would make my life a lot easier?

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Blackbear199 wrote:





that is all great when you are installing on normal base linux OS, but this is cpanel Centos linux... so i can not run 

mono -V

 sudo apt-get install mono-complete

it jailshell acces to server.....

so any other sugestons?

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Blackbear199 wrote:

Francis would be the one to ask.He usually checks forum every morining.i usually dont see him around this late in day.he in europe so it be 9pm or so depending where exactly he is.



hope he will answer me,because i wolud like to run it, but i think it is not possible on cpaner server, and this microsoft based file, without mono or wine it is not possible....yes i am eu also, now 9:10 PM CET

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Ok, first question I have, is if you have root acces to the server. Or are you only a client with a cPanel interface?

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I am user of hosting from I have SSH,but it is jail shell. Server Linux centos

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Had a quick look, but don't think it is possible.

Mono on CentOS is no problem, but because you are in a jail shell, you probably can't install mono itself. You could look if there is a possibility to install mono without root privilage and only in your home folder. But that is something I haven't done yet.

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francis wrote:

Had a quick look, but don't think it is possible.
Mono on CentOS is no problem, but because you are in a jail shell, you probably can't install mono itself. You could look if there is a possibility to install mono without root privilage and only in your home folder. But that is something I haven't done yet.

OK thanks i will try Google little bit, then with mono, it should work normally?

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Not tried yet on CentOS, but mono can run on it, so WG++ then also does.

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francis wrote:

Not tried yet on CentOS, but mono can run on it, so WG++ then also does.

OK great tnx.... just contacted hostgator if it isto possible that they install mono on server so i can use it. I will post updates.

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Well, there is apparently also another solution. Seems that you can package a .net executable with mono. But therefore the code should be adjusted and we should make the windows version also run Mono.

But if that would work that means that WG++ could run with only one standalone file (and a accompanying dll file). I must say, this is interesting. Once I got some time, I'll investigate this further. But this will be not for in the near future.


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francis wrote:

Well, there is apparently also another solution. Seems that you can package a .net executable with mono. But therefore the code should be adjusted and we should make the windows version also run Mono.
But if that would work that means that WG++ could run with only one standalone file (and a accompanying dll file). I must say, this is interesting. Once I got some time, I'll investigate this further. But this will be not for in the near future.

OK no problem,when you get time...I will try some how install mono on my server and let you know if it works or if I have some problem. This would make life much easier just make like update.bat and link my kodi with EPG on server and that's it...I have new EPG every day and I don't have to worry about it. :)

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