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easy new tool to automate epg generating process and distribute it to a destination storage

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easy new tool to automate epg generating process and distribute it to a destination storage

Hi, yesterday have added a new nice tool at xmlgrab&store4me I used it for month and it controls webgrab++ (like xmlgrabplus it do) to build my personal guide.xml But now you can do a configuration where you want to distribute the guide.xml (local, lan, cloud or ftp) also with username and password. So you can reach you actualizied epg data on your prefered device out of the web (cloudspace), local based network or local shared drive. Make a working configuration, test it and put a shortcut in your autostart folder or schedule the program. if it runs next time it shows for 10 seconds a setup popup and then it uses webgrab++ to generate the epg xml data file. when this process finished the guide.xml will be distributed to the configured destination and the program terminates.

Brought to you by Jan van Straaten

Program Development - Jan van Straaten ------- Web design - Francis De Paemeleere
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