With the MDB Postprocessor version 1.3, which is already part of WG++ since Beta build 1.1.1/53.2 it is possible to grab series episode data from IMDb.com. Potentially this series episode data can contain the IMDb episode_id, the episode number, episode title and basically all other EPG data for the actual series episode that is available in IMDb. Before this only the generic Series data could be optained, there was no episode matching.
To get this to work, a dedicated MDB ini is used, imdb.com.imdb_series.ini, which is available in the MDB postprocessor section of the EPG Channels page: http://www.webgrabplus.com/sites/default/files/download/ini/info/zip/MDB%20postprocessor_imdb.com.imdb_series.zip. Since the MDB postprocessor main purpose is to add show details to the already grabbed (source) EPG, the shows in it must be matches with IMDb movies and/or series. For this new functionality to work, the matching algoritme uses the Series title in combination with the Episode title (sub-title) . Consequently, the 'source' EPG must at...
- changed : the index_variable_element is saved and kept throughout any following scrub and operation untill updated
- added : cleanup(style=regex) adds all escapes to regex meta chars
- added : regex in scrub accepts 'index_variable_element' as component
- bug fixed: the bug fixed :remove and replace accepts 'real' \ characters specified as \\ was not properly implemented
- bug fixed: index_duration was not properly formatted to the culture info used inside the program
- added : log of OsVersion
- bug fixed: Mono runtime error wrt XPathstring containing /
- bug fixed: httpwebresponse was not closed
- changed : httpwebrequest header accept-encoding= "gzip, deflate" is no longer default
- improved : timespan calcuations
- bug fixed: regex scrub accepts a \| as a 'real' |
- added : remove and replace accepts 'real' \ characters specified as \\
- improved : unicode character sequence in cleanup handles also \\n, \\r and \\t
- added : default default httpwebrequest headers accept-encoding, pargma and cache-control...
The manual is udated and covers all the new features like regular expressions, HttpWebRequest POST_BACK and SOAP and Timespan calculations. And all the other smaller improvements. Available on the download page.
All four IMDb.com siteini's are updated today. If you are a user of the MDB postprocessor to collect extra data from IMDb.com, you should use these updates. They provide an improved showmatching and fixed the broken commentsummary scrub. Be aware that the old revision 0 of imdb.com.imdb.ini doesn't work anymore (causing endless grabbing times!!).
- added : url header 'accept'
- bug fixed: some conditional arguments were disabled by the automatic addition of the scope
- bug fixed: datenumber urldate was not properly calculated (timezone problem)
- changed : support for half hour timezone
- changed : forward looking dst mode is now default. To switch back to old style mode=f
- bug fixed: in setting the scope.range when the first ( char occurs without a | char. (As in cleanup tags)
- bug fixed: in GetInsertMode when only one channel and a show needs to be inserted before the none existing second channel
- added (experimental) : Regex Operations and Regex scrub
- improved : robots exclusion handling.
- added : site {allowlastdayoverflow} allows the last day to overflow into the next morning.
- bug fixed: in setting the scope.range when the first ( char occurs after the | char.
- bug fixed: cookie expires value calculation crashes when expires value > max datetime value (9999 31/12 23.59.59)
- added : bitwise calculations 'and' 'or' 'xor' and 'not'
- bug fixed: In MDB postprocess runtime error if no ldb path is specified
- added : in urldate format datenumber, the offset can now be specified in decimal hours 5.5 or timespan 5:30
- bug fixed: in titlematch that forced an unnecessary update if the title ends with a number
- bug fixed: error in postdata extraction if no subpagelist is listed in the siteini
- MDB & REX: xmltv elements videoaspect, videoquality, presenter, writer, producer, composer and commentator added as elements that can be removed from the xmltv file
- MDB & REX: added xmltv elements videoaspect and videoquality as source element
- bug fixed: endless loop in scrub.result()
- bug fixed: that was introduced in /49...
Brought to you by Jan van Straaten
Program Development - Jan van Straaten ------- Web design - Francis De Paemeleere
Supported by: servercare.nl