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Unusual behaviour with DST change.

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fasigno's picture
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Unusual behaviour with DST change.

I want to report an unusual behaviour I got on last sunday when the DST has changed.
I live in Italy and I use my ini file made with the help of Francis. The timezone is set to UTC+01:00 like all the italian ini files but I also tried with Europe/Rome.

The program detected the DST change and stated that all the tv programs on the web site were UTC+02:00 and they needed a time shift to UTC+01:00. Of course the timetable of the website was corrected according to the DST change, so I got all the epg shifted back of an hour.

Relaunching the program yesterday fixed the problem, all the start times of the entire epg  have been fixed as usual without shifting.

I used the updates 53 and 54 with the same behaviour and affected all the programs, not only the ones between saturday and sunday.

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I am not sure I understand your problem. Lets consider a show that starts at the same time every day, like a news show. Suppose that starts at 20:00 every day local time. Then before the DST change it should have been listed as 20:00 +02:00  and the next day, after the DST change as 20:00 +01:00. But this assumes that the timetable of the website lists this new show at 20:00 both before and after the dst change, which it should!  I am confused by your remark :

Of course the timetable of the website was corrected according to the DST change

Do you mean to say that the site listed the shows different from what I gave in the example? 



fasigno's picture
Joined: 10 years
Last seen: 8 years

Hi Jan,

now I've understood how it works and the website works like you said but I cannot explain why on that sunday the entire epg in tvheadend was shifted an hour back. Keeping the example of the news program I had it on 19:00 instead of 20:00  and so on for the entire epg. But on the website the timetable was correct.

The day after I relaunched wg++ and all the timetable had been fixed. I thought that the +01:00 or +02:00 had to be added to the start time expressed in UTC but from your explanation it's just a notation.

The time/date on the pc was correct.

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