Hi guys,
It is possible making a themoviedb.org mdb .ini file?
Thanks for look.
P.S. I can pay for this addon.
Hi guys,
It is possible making a themoviedb.org mdb .ini file?
Thanks for look.
P.S. I can pay for this addon.
Brought to you by Jan van Straaten
Program Development - Jan van Straaten ------- Web design - Francis De Paemeleere
Supported by: servercare.nl
will add...
Sent you what you asked.
This exists?
can it be shared?
you can test these.
the default language is en-US.
to use a different language edit the ini and you will see where you can set it to a different language.
a txt file is included with all the valid language settings.
if you think there is a problem with it not getting a match when you think it should upload some sample epg with your mdb_config.xml
It doesn't work with Russian
i forgot to mention if your doing series matching,use wg version 3.1.4
there is a problem with 3.1.5 with episode number matching.
matching still works using subtitle.
did you read what i said above about if you have problems?
mdb isnt as simple as add a ini and expect magic to happen.
[ Info ] Candidates found: 0 movie / 0 serie / 0 both
of course it dont work as you most likely have a mdb config issue.
if you dont provide the info i asked for above then i cannot help!
didnt u read anything in the ini like the comments at the end of the line?
although what you did would work doesnt this make sense.
mdb_temp_1.modify {set|ru-RU} *edit for preferred language
mdb_temp_1.modify {set("##preferred_language##")|en-US} *default Do Not Edit!!!
Sorry, I didn't notice your request. I provide all the files.
upload some guide.xml data.
Sorry, wrong file. Here's the right one.
the problem is your guide.xml data.
it has the date after the title which mdb cant tell apart.
for movies a title and year and the minimum needed.
i manually edited a few shows in your guide.xml and it works...
Movie: 1/2 .. Взвод
"Взвод" + (1986) + "" .. found Show_id , 792-platoon?
Matching in themoviedb.org, showid = 792-platoon
Done in 18.69 sec
Movie: 2/2 .. Дурак
"Дурак" + (2014) + "" .. found Show_id , 285700-durak?
Matching in themoviedb.org, showid = 285700-durak
Added the date. I get an error.
ldbfilename update="f"
ldbfilename update=""
there have been posts about this causing this error.
also mdb-date is not a valid element,its mdb-productiondate,its also remove/keep only(see the docs)
this means u cannot add it as a element,u can however add it to other elements
the reason ur missing description is because u didnt add it in mdb,what i tested..
regarding the error,i see your using linux.
check your webgrab exe file permissions,make sure it has write or run..
chmod +x WebGrab+Plus.exe as root
I tried all your tips. Does not work. The file is not being created mdb.xml. Help please!
for filename and ldbfilename try specifying the full path to it instead of just the filename.
I tried it. It doesn't work on either windows or linux
do the files exist in this directory?
if they dont try creating them manually..
touch /home/username/.wg++/mdb/guide.xml
if that dont work post the output of these 2 commands..
ls -l /path/to/webgrab/exe/WebGrab+Plus.exe
ls -ld /path/to/mdb/folder/mdb
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 581632 Jan 18 22:11 /opt/webgrab_test/bin/WebGrab+Plus.exe
total 32
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 670 Feb 9 16:06 mdb.config.xml
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 3508 Feb 9 15:23 themoviedb.org.bing.ini
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 5586 Feb 9 15:22 themoviedb.org.bing.series.ini
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 13674 Feb 9 16:07 tmdb_epgtest.xml
When I remove defaults< / match movie>from config
< < match series>defaults< / match series> the error disappears, but the local mdb.xml does is still not created.
update="" creates no mdb.xml(see the docs)
i dont use default settings...
u can ignore the settings that are greyed out(defaults)
adding !-- and -- disables these lines.
Unfortunately it doesn't work
[ Debug ] Reading config file: /opt/webgrab_test/./WebGrab++.config.xml
you have a folder named .?
if so then you should have a /opt/webgrab_test/./mdb folder?
inside this should be all your mdb files?
how are you running webgrab,the files are not in the default location so u must be running it manually?
I tried all the options. The result is the same. Does not work. Here I lay out completely wg++. Please try it.
try this in terminal
mono /opt/webgrab_test/bin/WebGrab+Plus.exe /opt/webgrab_test
WebGrab+Plus/w MDB & REX Postprocess -- version V3.1.4.2
Jan van Straaten
Francis De Paemeleere
thanks to Paul Weterings and all the contributing users
WebGrab+Plus V3.1.4.2
Usage: WebGrab+Plus [OPTIONS...] [CONFIG_FOLDER]
This is the absolute path to the configuration folder.
The configuration folder must contain at least a WebGrab++.config.xml file.
Job started at 09/02/2021 17:50:46
Job finished at 09/02/2021 17:50:46 done in 0s
[Error ] WG.Common.InvalidConfigException: [Error ] Doesn't exist
at . ..ctor (System.String ) [0x000b6] in <0f9403f5a9d84fafb5bea2f36aca378f>:0
at . ..ctor (System.String ) [0x01362] in <0f9403f5a9d84fafb5bea2f36aca378f>:0
at .―. (System.String[] ) [0x00351] in <0f9403f5a9d84fafb5bea2f36aca378f>:0
Config syntax exception:
file: WebGrab++.config.xml
WG.Common.InvalidConfigException: [Error ] Doesn't exist
at . ..ctor (System.String ) [0x000b6] in <0f9403f5a9d84fafb5bea2f36aca378f>:0
For detailed info, see log file WebGrab++.log.txt
Execution stopped
where's ur webgrab++config.xml?
mono /opt/webgrab_test/bin/WebGrab+Plus.exe /opt/webgrab_test
WebGrab+Plus/w MDB & REX Postprocess -- version V3.1.4.2
Jan van Straaten
Francis De Paemeleere
thanks to Paul Weterings and all the contributing users
Job started at 09/02/2021 17:59:55
Checking License ..
For License request/update data, see WGLicense.log.txt
found: /opt/webgrab_test/siteini.user/bcumedia.pro.ini -- Revision 00
processing /var/www/epgtest.xml ...
Found existing channel (xmltv_id=365) in the config file
time offset change detected for site bcumedia.pro from: +0000 to: +0300
i=index .=same c=change g=gab r=replace n=new
Group (0) :
update requested for - 1 - out of - 1 - channels for 2 day(s)
( 1/1 ) BCUMEDIA.PRO -- chan. (xmltv_id=365) -- mode Incremental
0.00 sec/update
Summary for update of 365
missing shows added 0
changed shows updated 25
new shows added 0
unchanged shows inspected 0
total after update 25
elapstime / updated show 0.00 seconds
Job finished at 09/02/2021 18:00:00 done in 4s
Job (MDB Version: 3.0.3) started at 09/02/2021 18:00:00
Starting MDB Postprocess .. Version: 3.0.3
LocalMDB file /opt/webgrab_test/mdb/mdb.xml not found ... created a new one ...
Selecting serie and movie candidates:
s=serie-candidate m=movie-candidate b=both
Candidates found: 23 movie / 0 serie / 0 both
Unhandled Exception
For detailed info, see log file /opt/webgrab_test/WebGrab++.log.txt
Execution stopped
no idea what your doing wrong.
i think its a permission problem myself.
all i can say is i use a custom installation also(files are not in default location) and it works fine for me.
make what?
I managed to launch it. Please make icon src= not Posters but Backdrops.
replace the mdb_showicon.scrub line with this..
mdb_showicon.scrub {single|p1|<img loading="lazy" class="backdrop" src="http://d57e32cb.static.ziggozakelijk.nl/%7C%7C"|"}
forums messed that up...
btw what was causing the error,others might want to know.
I'm not paying attention))
Hello. Does not work. I tried it on different servers. Help please.
i told you yesterday that the minimum info needed is title and year.
mdb cannot perform miracles.
just think about how many movies were made with the same title but years apart.
mdb would also accept title and director but i will not answer any posts about wrong matches.
Both the title and the year are in the guide.
try again,i think it was a site problem as i got no matches also.
10 minutes later i tried again and it worked fine,i didnt change anything.
Movie: 5/73 .. Гладиатор
"Гладиатор" + (2000) + "" .. found Show_id , 98-gladiator?
Matching in themoviedb.org, showid = 98-gladiator
Done in 8.82 sec
Movie: 6/73 .. Матрица Революция
"Матрица Революция" + (2003) + "" .. found Show_id , 605-the-matrix-revolutions?
Matching in themoviedb.org, showid = 605-the-matrix-revolutions
Done in 7.29 sec
Movie: 7/73 .. Зеленая миля
"Зелёная миля" + (1999) + "" .. found Show_id , 497-the-green-mile?
Matching in themoviedb.org, showid = 497-the-green-mile
Done in 9.45 sec
Movie: 8/73 .. Эффект бабочки
"Эффект бабочки" + (2004) + "" .. found Show_id , 1954-the-butterfly-effect?
Matching in themoviedb.org, showid = 1954-the-butterfly-effect
Done in 9.02 sec
Movie: 9/73 .. Клуб «Завтрак»
"Клуб «Завтрак»" + (1985) + "" .. found Show_id , 2108-the-breakfast-club?
Matching in themoviedb.org, showid = 2108-the-breakfast-club
I tested it for 4 days and I can say with confidence that it does not work.
well i can say with confidence that it does.
who do you think is more correct,the use like u or the creator like me?
No complaints. Just a fact. It doesn't work. If I'm wrong, I'm sorry. But I am only writing the truth.
For example, I spread the work of imdb and tmdb with the same mdb.config.xml
you can lead a horse to water but u cant make it drink...
see anything wrong with this line?
mdb_temp_1.modify {set|ru_RU}
I understand that you are smarter than me in this matter. But mdb_temp_1.modify {set|ru-RU}
I think there is a ban from the site. I can't think of any other explanation. I try both on Linux and on Windows, the result is the same.
@Micelin, BlackBear is the most experienced tech here, if it works for him, it might may be (as you said) something else. So first i would try a proxy/vpn , before saying "it doesn't work".
There is no doubt that an excellent specialist. And a man who knows proverbs. But I'm not making it up. It works today, it doesn't work tomorrow. Now on windows running on linux no.
Strange i also tested on windows your guide/config and is ok.