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Change definition of Today and Tomorrow?

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Change definition of Today and Tomorrow?



I am using the site file to download the channels. I am grabbing the EPG in MST time-zone to be used in IST time-zone (since internet speed is better in MST). There is a 12 hour difference between the two cities.

What i am noticing is that the grabber is downloading the shows 1 day late from the site. It is Sunday in MST and Monday in IST. The EPG is being downloaded from Tuesday onwards. The Monday EPG is not being downloaded at all.

Is there any way to correct this?

My site ini has

site {|timezone=Asia/Calcutta|maxdays=7|cultureinfo=en-GB|charset=UTF-8|titlematchfactor=90|ratingsystem=IMDB|episodesystem=xmltv_ns}

Looks like the how timings in the xml are also off. Does the machine running WG++ have the same timezone as the site?



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I don't exactly know what you mean by grabbing in MST and IST time-zone. (I presume those are 2 different computers).

I've did a quick test and did not find anything wrong (I think).

Could you do next:

1. Only configure WG++ to grab one (erratic) channel

2. Take a screenshot of the on the page of the channel (you have configured)

3. Upload the screenshot, .config, .log and

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I made a capture of the same channel in the IST and CST timezone computers at the same time. You can see that the guide.xml has different contents. My goal is to get a configuration which produces the same guide.xml file. I want to use the file downloaded on the  CST timezone computer on the IST timezone computer.

The files have CST and IST extension based on where they were captured.



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Could you change next, in your config file




And do the run again.

When I diff the 2 results, most shows are the same. Only some shows show a difference. I suspect the smart update could be the problem.



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Ok, here is a run with


There are several issues i see

A) Why the star time is different in the xml files.

If i do a diff between the guides i get

#diff guide_CST.xml guide_IST.xm

<   <programme start="20150304000000 +0530" stop="20150304002500 +0530" channel="">
>   <programme start="20150304000000 +0530" stop="20150304003000 +0530" channel="">


B) The first program listed "Nisha Aur Uske Cousins" doesnt appear on Wed 4th March listing in attached jpeg, instead it is listed for 5th march.



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All very strange.

I've looked at the previous logging/guide.xml again. One thing I don't actualy get, is why the times in both guide.xm files are +5030.


I would expect the IST to have +5030 UTC offset.

The CST should have -0600 UTC offset.

How are the computers configured? Are they both configured in IST settings. If so, is the time on both computer also the same? Or is the time on the computers the same as the local times?

I think you have to take at least 3 screenshot of the site (today, tomorrow, and the day after), because I think that there is one day shift on it.

And maybe also take the screenshots on each computer. Just to rule out any issue with that.

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The computers are both in their own timezones.


Mon Mar  9 02:43:22 IST 2015


Sun Mar  8 16:13:23 CDT 2015


On both computers the has

site {|timezone=Asia/Calcutta|maxdays=7|cultureinfo=en-GB|charset=UTF-8|titlematchfactor=90|ratingsystem=IMDB|episodesystem=xmltv_ns}

Could it be the reason that the CST file also shows +0530?

My understanding was that WG doesnt care about the client timezone. The PVR software has to interpret the time using the client timezone. But i may be wrong.

Both computers are running linux. I am loading a new set of guide.xml file and screenshots.

Thanks for your help.


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